
Key Features (From Official Web-cite)

  • plays mp3, mp4/m4a (including alac), ogg, wma*, flac, wav, ape, wv, tta (* wma pro files may require NEON support)
  • 10 band graphical equalizer for all supported formats, presets
  • separate Bass and Treble adjustment
  • plays songs from folders and from system media library
  • downloads missing album art
  • widgets
  • lock screen
  • headset support
  • scrobbling
  • tag editor
  • visual themes
  • fast folders scan
  • works on Android 2.1+ 

這是目前在Android平台上最強大的音樂播放軟件, 內置均衡器, 可搜尋Album Art, 可edit tag, 十分強大

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